Kamis, 23 April 2009

a soldier neva die..


Today,..i read a local newspapper,..in my office "Pikiran Rakyat" Bandung..,west Java.
"Pikiran Rakyat" means an people opinion...
This Newspapper is a locally an an icon of news papper of Bandung..a capital of west java.
My office, located in subang,..a north of bandung,..aprroximately 50 Km..a litle town too..
My attention stopped on a ironically news...
about a group of old soldier,..my people call them."veteran perang",...., an ex combattan,..ex revolution soldier,.....en now fight with a more hard enemy,..." their anfortunetely fate"...!!!
They have not a welfared income,....They not cared by this state...!! oh what a poor...!!!
...They continue their life with be a street singer,..n musician....!! They use the proudly univorm,..an old soldier uniform..!!! oh my gosh......
The fate,..never in their side..!!!..They are not honored by this state,,,,
like an outsider,....an fade away...!!!
Mr governoor,...please hear thier "brave" cry,...!!! an old brave soldier who un fortune...
Mr Dede Yusuf,...hear them...!!...They are more brave than Jhony Rambo,..anyway..he..he
oya Mr Dede yusuf is an actor,..my "local arnold scwarzenegger',...who jump in a political world...be a vice governooor,,!!

a soldier never die... !

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