Minggu, 31 Mei 2009

The highest satisfaction..of reach target

Dear,..this month feel so hard
special target,,..on LOC letter of commitment from head office..
alco or a flow over rate...2.2 M
all effort i ve done..
all trick i ve practised..
all day, and continue night I am conduct the team to reach target..
to brief them,..to lead them..my subbordinate..
in a day iam be a soldier,..a field employeee...
an in the night..must contunue the task...in this last week..
cos,..if i fail in the target,..my be a management ll hang me...he..he..
all pray,..all bless I ve reached..
and finally,..this night..!!
I can touch the target,..so fantastic..!
the emphaty of them...to cover me..
Iam successs,..Allah llways bless us..
a hard struggling in my career...!!!
I srill stndin here..
Thanks my God

Thanks my all of crew..
Thanks 4 all of you who luve me...


my alco targets,and achieve midle of month

my letter to my friend

Assalamualaikum wr wb,..

Pengin curhat aja,..

6 tahun hidup mengelana,..pindah pindah cabang,..( tanpa bisa ngumpul ama anak istri..)
ternyata kadang " membuat jiwa ini kering".....dan menuntut kita untuk berpikir bagaimana menjalani,..dan mengambil keputusan untuk melanjutkan hidup..

6 tahun tersebut,..adalah immaterial cost yg cukup besaaaar,,,!

saat2, setiap hari tidak bisa memandang sorot mata anak2ku yg tulus ,...ajaib,dan perlu bimbingan..
saat2, setiap hari tidak bisa menemani istri tercinta....yg berjuang mengurus anak sendiri....
Meski kita harus tetap balanced melihat sisi positip dari "perjuangan " ini,...
pengalaman hidup di beberapa kota,..ketemu banyak teman yg "hebat"...
adalah harta yg tak ternilai yg terkumpul dalam media pengalaman,...di sanubari kita....
Sisa sisa egoisme laki2 yg pengin selalu memenangkan ' tantangan',..dan rintangan hidup seberapa besar apapun juga,...kadang harus bersinggungan dengan kompromi kepentingan keluarga....
(.dan ratapan anakku yg menyebut2, dan mencari Bapak nya yg jauh,... saat mereka menangis...)

Meski perjuangan ini,..( insyaallah) akan di klaim sebagai ibadah,...akan tetapi terasa juga ibadah2 maghdlah sering berkurang kwalitasnya,..krn hidup dalam kesendirian,..dan terjerat dalam " rutinity trap",..selaku profesional employee...

Tidak adakah jalan lain "beibadah" jihad mencari nafkah anak istri,..tanpa harus meninggalkan mereka...???..

( Bukankah,.dengar2 .rejeki kita akan lebih berlimpah dan barokah,...apabila suasana dekat dengan keluarga..???..)
Sementara ketika ekspektasi kita kadang bertabarakan dengan kepentingan company,..yg selalu konsisten dengan kepentingan "selapis" nya ,..yaitu "profit",...!!!
tanpa pernah memperhatikan,..bagaimana karyawan menjalankan tugasnya dengan,....berbagai pengorbanan termasuk,...jauh dari keluarga..
Kadang rasa takut,..kita akan kesulitan mencari jalan rizki di luar perusahaan ini memang sering menghantui,...
mungkin wajar,..kita bak kucing hutan yg kelamaan jadi "kucing rumahan",..selalu di sediain jatah makanan,..ketika kucing hutan akan berusaha kembali ke " kehidupan liar" nya,...ke hutan nyari makan sendiri...pasti ada mental barrier yg menghadang...!!!...krn kita sudah jinak...
Tapi,..bukankah kita selalu meneriakkan takbir " allahu akbar"..???...
yg kebesaran Allah tidak hanya sebatas hanya di dalam perusahaan ini saja....
Toh,..orang lain ga harus jadi karyawan FIF juga bisa hidup,..bahkan bisa kaya dan berkecukupan.....
kalo kayak kita,....kapan kita bisa kaya kalo cuman ngandelin gaji bulanan...he..he..
Sahabat,...saya ga tau juga arah tulisan saya ini kemana...
yg pasti saya lagi berfikir,..menyiapkan " transition session" dalam jenjang hidup saya...
Dan Allah juga sedang mempersiapkan skenario terbaik nya untuk hidup ku..
andai masih di FIF ,..berarti memang inilah wasilah terbaik dari Nya,..untuk menjadikan "tool" sebagai tempat menafkahi keluarga...
tapi kalo tidak harus bersama 2 perusahaan ini pun,...saya yakin Allah sangat menyayangi saya, seperti selama ini..

Ya, Rabb tunjukilah hambamu ini...
untuk lebih mendekat ke jalan Mu..


Wassalamualaikum Wr wb


Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

A lonely movie..

i feel so lonely,..
today is saturday,...but its a 3rd week,..that my office so optimalize the collection..
and special for this month,...there a special treatment for me..
the auditor from head office,..sett a special target to my branch..
we getting engagement on LOC,..letter of commitment..!!
we must,..achieve ALCO on target just 2.2 M,..principple amount that allowed to flow to next older bucket of overdue..., nect cycle..!!
an we must collect,..on refenue..3.1 M..!!
a hard 'operation",..that i must lead,..as a general..he..he as an officer...!!!..
may be u can call me a little ceo..ha..ha..
so ,.now,,the saturday night,...I feel so lonely,...my family in so far away..
my lovely wife,..Fa,..an my three lovely doughter...imas, iyas , and icha...
wuwh,.it so hard living..
but I must be creative to kill my time..
i go to a local,..an dirty movie..in Subang.,this little town.
"kambing jantan" the title...its mean a male goat..he..ha..
based on a storry on blogg,..but directored by Rudy sujarwo..
its OK,...a un ussual theme,..and I enjoyed..
mybe i an a writer too..ha..ha..
this fim ,..represent of may personality...,tell a storry ,who some one who trapped on a un like work..!! he forced by his parent,.. to study in acollece ,...australia,..faculty of finance.., but really he absolutely,.cant accept and absolutely,...he have no 'talent" on a finance..!!
oh goss..
he just wanne be a blogger..., a story teller...!! he..he
ok, this poor film,..entertain me this night..

to my luvely, wife..iluv u so much..
but this ife,..separate us..he..he
be patient......

Kamis, 21 Mei 2009

David vs Goliath..

Here we re...the rummors,that we can prejudice ,..its a continueing of the "hard review' from head Office, by IGJ and JJU..
My BM must be switch to Branch Pangkalan Bun, Midle of Kalimantan.( Borneo)
wow,..whatta rumors..???
More informers,..say My BM empeeched away,..he..he switched away to a small and so far branch...bcause He always just command,..have no concept,...and can "protect" the subordinate...!!..even He always srtrive me...in a hard review...!!!
the out of role from BM...!!
this decisssion taken in a situation of high profitability from my branch..!!
a collection bassed bussiness..
and me,..a collection sec head in this branch.!
Bye, Mr Baringin..
see u ( in a maturity...)

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

Long time no see,..yeah

Hi, world..
a tight bussiness,..review from a head office make me so fullconcentrated in this company..
an intrique from,...the "uncapable" branch manager of mine so,..mock me..he..
the Arrea Head, from Jabar I,..( west Java division )..Mr JJU , try to reveal it with a nice and a tricky way...
He act like an angel who hear us,...hear our problem.
one by one officer ask for let it out about "un trust" an miss relationship in this branch....!!
a private councelling...!!....and the He make a meeting to contradict of us...!!!..he...he
a brave mentally,..to be honest,..to mak an critic ,..to all of us...
but,..its Ok,.to make a better condition of us...he..he
un trust,..a conspiracy,..a local racissm issue., a manipulation,..un obey employeee..., or a stubborn employee like me..he..he.
But I confused,..for Mr JJU..
Really He is a angel for me..or an evil..???..he
The time ill answer..!!!

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

go a way, Racism..!!!

Hi,..good morning..
I am still in office,...continue mya meeting ,..start from yesterday,..at 10 am till now..6 am,..in different day..he..he..
I must prepare,.. a data to give my responsibility as a manager..!! to management head office...!!
feel so hard,...all night long..!!..
more feel so illfeel,..whent my BM is a stupid,..person..!!!
He from,.. a north sumatra,..a different island from me..!!..
so arogan,...and never act as a leader,..he just can blame and blame us ,..as section head...!!! and no give a solution, Maaan...!!!

but really,...he just narrow mind..!!..
..its .not just from my comment..
all of us,..a subang branch employee,..say like that..!!!..
He make a blunder too,...that bring a regional sentiment,..or a region racism,..to conduct us,..!!!
he declare,..that he and his family,..is " ubber alles"...!!..
he claim that " the sumatras" upper than a javanese...ha..ha..ha...
sorry,..friend!!! ..to all of u in sumatra,..batak,..that its just opinion from a one of u,..but not a representer of all of U..he..he

so,..un intellect personality....!!
wait a time,...a time bomb ill be exploded..!!...( maybe by me..!!)...

in my holly book, Quran..
Allah make a difference of us,..its in order to we learn each other..!!!..in thera a blessing inside in the difference...!!!
it s proove that,..Allah is an Al Mighty..!!!
erase a rasism from the earth..!!
my solidaity too,..for an athlets, a soccerer in all leage in the world,...esspecially for coloured athlet...who,..be a victim of a racism..!!

hi, eto'o,..hi botilla...hi kollo toure...we luv u..!!
ure so great,..!!...

Kamis, 30 April 2009

sasak gantung..

dear world,..

This night I wanna tell a story about,.." sasag gantung".!!
Its a sundanese,..!! not a javanese..!!..
oya,..sunda is mean west java..!!
Sasag mean " a bridge",..gantung means " hanged"...!!
sasag gantung ,..means " a hanged bridge"...!!..
Today i finish my profesional struggle,..to reach my Target..!!
a revenue collection,..3.29 M..he..he
but,..friend, finnally a just can achieve in 3.060 M..he..he not bad..!!! but not means I satisfied with a achievemnet...!!! But i feel , we do our best...!!..
In a mid of month my fieeld employee,..there re many personal gett sick..!!
I think its a natural condition,...Flu endemies strike us..!!!..
the other Key performance,..be more growth..!!..
like an ALCO ( its means a parameter ,..descript a principle of Debt thats overflow to next grade of overdue..!!..close to target...and in a green parameter..!!! an ideal and health condition..!!
The Rollback rate,..constant..!!..he..he Roll back is a rate thats show ,..how many customer who pay more one installment,..in this month..!!..he..he..
so what a relation with,..a hanged bridge..???..he..he
first,..dont ever imagine...that hanged bridge in mya country,..similiar with " goden gate" hanged bridge,..that so great n powerfull..!! he..he
the hanged bridge,..that Ive crossed,..today is a bamboo made bridge,..1 m witdh,..20 m length
I must cross it in my motor cycle,...wow so move..like (paris hilton movement..ha..ha..) no stabil..!!..an so challanged to cross...!!! like an old age bridge..!!!..

This bridge,..connect a kampoong to kampoong..that our customer must be visitted..!!
I am backing up my field employee,..and i wanna to involve n feel a final clossing sensation..he..he..
ups ,..really so hard maan.!
wow,..this bridge just symbol of mya adventure,..how hard I must struggle n work to get my target...

Rabu, 29 April 2009

A javanese leadership principle..

Ing ngarso sung tuladha..
Ing madya mangun karsa
Tut wuri Handayani...
( Ki Hajar Dewantara )
Here were the meaning,..

in a front,..as a leader we must give an a good act, behaviour,..or a role play as an axample..
In my daily office,..i must keep about my ggod habbit to influence my subordinate...

In a midle of, team we must can involved as a part of team,...join and give a support,..or a real assistance....like in a this final timing, close to end of month...
I am and supervisor,..act as a clearencer,..!! to swept a hole of jobs from my field employee...!!
I jump into a field..!! act like them...!! A big general jump and strike to the real battle..!!! he..he

In a back,...as a leader must give a huge support to push the team,..optimized the team...

Thank and saluut,..for My Hero,...MR Ki Hajar Dewantara,..The Education Hero of my country, Indonesia...

I am on a top of our hard effort to get Our target...3.29 M..!!
In my estimate,,..tommorrow we ill start from 2.920 M..he..he
Can we fullfill a defisit..??

just a see...
and lets the world pray for Us,..he..he

sorry gentlement,..for a while a dont tell to all of you, about my village that so honor a simple life....he..he'

Next time,..I back to simplicity...

Selasa, 28 April 2009

Upss,.whatta trouble..

In every end of month,..my heart beat so fast..he..he
cos my team must achieve the target of this month,..!!..
3.29 M,!! a revenue..that ve setted in this month,..as a year to date target in this year.
all of effort act by us,...!! of course a strategy designed by me..as a chief or a leader of the battle..he..he..!!
The spirit of this month,..is " how we can win the battle ,..and we safe and sound in the end of the battle..he..he.
Maybe its sound so patriotic,..and heroic...,..
I tell to my team in every morning briefing...,.." we must save the last ryan..!!! the private ryan...!!! ..
Really the film,."saving private Ryan",..inspired us..., cos this month several of my team must finished obout the warningletter of company,..he..he..( SP, surat peringatan..indonesian )

Pliss,..look at my data,...thera any reducing,..or declining about our performance,..!!..
In a Cycle 0,..upss for ur know..cycle is a terminology of my classification...of overdue grade..!!
There are more than 4 % reduced from last month,...!!..in a cycle 1 reduced more than 6% from last month,...he..he not a simple job..ha..ha..
wow,..whatta a dizzzy,..!!! pusiiiing,..he..he in my tounge..!!!...
Stopp,..I dunno want,..bring all of u,..jump in my dizzy..!! ha..ha...
but i llway optimistic to reach my target,...to saving my'private ryan"..ha..ha

Minggu, 26 April 2009

My Daily Bussiness

Oh,..here were..
a one of my tool,..in my office to monitor our job..!! I lead 5 suvervisor,..en each supervisor manage their team thats content 5 or 6 employees fields...
I must collect a profit for my company,...this month our target is Rp.3.29 M ...!!
My core bussiness is ,..an collection company..!! thats collect an installment of my customer who lease my product..!!!..he..he
I am must take a responsibility,..an a region of subang..!!!
I have 23.297 cust , spread out in this area...!!..
wow,..a challanged work...for me....!!! he..he..
Ok, Friend... a little of my job discription...he..he
in other time,..i promish to share to u more...!! he..he If u want..he..he

Sabtu, 25 April 2009

About my unsimple bussiness..

West java,.

In saturday afternoon,..my concentration always so confused...
an ending of week,..and it time for me to set up my family time,...my family prgram for week end..
Friends,..Ok I am from a small town,..so far in java..who people life in a humble and simplicity...may be,but not on me..he..he
I must work in a hard bussiness,...tight time bussiness...!!
I feel the time second per second race with me....
I am work in subang, west java approxmt 500 km western from my small town, Matesih , Solo.
..its a hard living,..an an expensive price i must paid...! an immateriil cost..!! i must seperated from my lovely family.. in a daily .
Just in an end of week I can gather with them,..in a tight time..till I must go to work again in monday morning....
Next time I ll give my story,..more..
Now I try to share to all of u my bussiness...
atleast,..I ll try to introducing, n shared about my Job ,..My task for the world..he..he..
I dunno where i must start,..
here,..we re..;..
( to be continued, he,he ...)

Jumat, 24 April 2009

imternet,.??.what amazing..


i feel start addict with an internet,.i start to like it..
talk about an internet in my small kampoong,..maybe like a fenomena.." a good must be crazy"..he..he..
in the middle of a deep africa,..a west tribe people,...an a coke drop from a sky..he..he
what amazed of object...he..he so strange...so "mysterious"..he..he
but in my dream,..i want to bring my society to know whattakind of the "strange" object named "internet",..or a weblog..!!...
its so whorthy ,than a knowledge shared for a life a human being nake better,..and easuer...
but now,..i first, learn more about an internet ...

Kamis, 23 April 2009

a soldier neva die..


Today,..i read a local newspapper,..in my office "Pikiran Rakyat" Bandung..,west Java.
"Pikiran Rakyat" means an people opinion...
This Newspapper is a locally an an icon of news papper of Bandung..a capital of west java.
My office, located in subang,..a north of bandung,..aprroximately 50 Km..a litle town too..
My attention stopped on a ironically news...
about a group of old soldier,..my people call them."veteran perang",...., an ex combattan,..ex revolution soldier,.....en now fight with a more hard enemy,..." their anfortunetely fate"...!!!
They have not a welfared income,....They not cared by this state...!! oh what a poor...!!!
...They continue their life with be a street singer,..n musician....!! They use the proudly univorm,..an old soldier uniform..!!! oh my gosh......
The fate,..never in their side..!!!..They are not honored by this state,,,,
like an outsider,....an fade away...!!!
Mr governoor,...please hear thier "brave" cry,...!!! an old brave soldier who un fortune...
Mr Dede Yusuf,...hear them...!!...They are more brave than Jhony Rambo,..anyway..he..he
oya Mr Dede yusuf is an actor,..my "local arnold scwarzenegger',...who jump in a political world...be a vice governooor,,!!

a soldier never die... !

Rabu, 22 April 2009

kartini's blogg 2

Forget it,..but take in a high place Mrs Kartini..he..he in our country heart.
Maybe its right if tell a story about a woman in my village,...
They are a great woman,...who allways feel humble,..and “ Nrima ing Pandum”...( its mean in our javanese culture is ,..always accept,..never reject everything,..or make a protes from a given from the God,..or from their Husband..!! )
They are a strong woman,...cos in a blind morning,..( 03.00 am) they must wake up...,go a pray ..
en then jump into their traditional kitchen,..prepare everything for a lovely family member, a food and beverage.
Then they go to a small market,..tradisional market,..with walking together as a fellow woman...in adark road...to the traditional market..!!..
Selling a farming harvest,..like peanut, spinach, snack bean etc to reach a few money to continue their life today...!!
Today for today..!! ..
and time gets brighter,...a sun so bright and hot in our village,..a tropical village.
For your information,..in a java is excactly a centrall of “khatulistiwa line”,..an Equator line...
They with anthutiasticlly go to a paddy field,.....see a plant,..watering n maintenance a paddy or a plantation like kangkung,..spinach..etc
Till a day light,...,..till a sun sets in a west..
its really a hardworker woman,...

kartini's blogg

Wednesday, 22nd April 2009,
Hi, Friends..
I'll continue my story,..
o yeah, yesterday 21st April..in my country celebrate a moment ,..thats this day is a symbol of an equalizing right of a gender..
or common say “woman emansipation”,.., with a woman hero,is Mrs Kartini..he..he
maybe ,..its sound so honored if I call her,..” Raden adjeng Kartini “..
Raden Adjeng,..is a aristochraty title in Java,....( oh ya im forgett to know my state,.. Indonesia )
She struggle a woman dignity with make a correspondencr with Mrs Abendanon, A dutch woman.
From the couple of letter,...there ra a principle, an ideology,..a woman dream was expressed..
he,,he may be, if Kartini life in this age,..kartini is a good blogger ha..ha..ha who allways share a value to whole of the world...to reach huge dream,..” equalizing of right between Man and woman”,..

Selasa, 21 April 2009

touch me,..teach me..to catch all of you

wow,..I am so happy to make a real my dreams..
i wanna be a member of the world society...!! thats way,..i can represent of my people who life in a small villlage,..a remote village ,..ups may be can find out from the world map..he..he
but i wanna to can follow the rotate of this world..
i wanna know a news about all of you,..in all over of the world..
i cant imagine,..i am a member of farmer society...can publish of my life story,..my problem,..
and everythin' about a simplicity of life...in java.

Here, I am from so far of java..

wow, whatta an amazing...
i can join in a borderless world,..who represent as a left behind people..
so far of java...
ngadiluwih, matesih, solo ,kr anyar a small village of mid java..
ciao, matur nuwun
i means thanks a lot